Storytelling: How to Capture Your Audience

Written by Kidazzler
As a business owner, one of the most vital aspects of achieving success is your ability to connect with your customers. Without a connection, you will find yourself struggling to build the necessary foundations for your audience. Families are searching for the products and services you offer. How will they find you?
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As a business owner, one of the most vital aspects of achieving success is your ability to connect with your customers. Without a connection, you will find yourself struggling to build the necessary foundations for your audience. Businesses offering family-friendly services and products can sometimes face difficulties connecting with parents and vice versa. However, families are still searching for the products and services you offer. How will they find you?

Research Your Audience

An essential step in any business plan is thoroughly researching and identifying your target audience. Start by creating a detailed profile for your demographic, either manually or with the help of an online tool. Your audience research should include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Interests
  • Behavioral traits

Write down the needs of your intended demographic, whether it will be for the child or their parents. You want to uncover the ways in which your business will satisfy those needs. For instance, you can ask yourself, “How can my business promote a child’s success in a particular field?” Keep in mind that your business can satisfy more than one need and may have to take different approaches in order to get there. While often overlooked, understanding your audience allows you to uncover their goals, pain points, and buying patterns.

Showcase Success Stories

Parents want to know how your business is going to contribute to their child’s life or make their own lives as a parent easier. Your business’s success stories provide parents with real examples to assure them that your business can satisfy their needs. Success stories should outline the how and why of your product/service.

Your potential customers have a problem they want to solve, so highlight the challenges they may have faced before being introduced to your business. This can be an effective way to relate to them. They will be able to envision how and why your business can help them in a similar way.

Success Story Structure

  • Your demographic
  • The challenges and needs of that family
  • Solutions presented by your business
  • The results

Distribute to Influencers

Influencers are changing the game when it comes to marketing and connecting with your ideal audience. Influencers already have the following you need to distribute your stories, as well as your brand, to a much larger audience.

How Can I Choose the Best Influencer?

In order to ensure the best results, you want to make sure that the influencers you work with have a similar following to your intended audience. Be sure to properly vet them beforehand, have a conversation regarding your business needs, and determine if they will be able to convey your message to the right audience.

Connect Through Our Parenting Platform and Directory

Kidazzler is an online parenting platform designed to connect parents with family-friendly businesses. The platform helps parents easily find and connect to businesses that have the products and services they need exactly when they need them. Kidazzler gives family-oriented businesses a place to showcase all that they offer in one place. This helps to turn browsers into buyers. The good news? Your business may have already been added to the Kidazzler directory. All you must do is look it up and make sure that your information is up to date. Then, you’ll be one step closer to attracting more families to your business.

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